Will the Supreme Court Get Involved? | Hans von Spakovsky on Election Litigation
Hans von Spakovsky joined Newsmax on November 21, 2020, to look at the latest litigation news.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/why-safeguarding-our-elections-matters
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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biden is criminal and a fraud who rigged this election while sleeping in his basement. Clarence thomas was waiting for this moment since 1992 when the democrats made up a hoax allegation against him. And the other guy brett kavanaugh who was being riduculed by kamala harris who had been waiting for this moment.
Hi The Heritage Foundation and followers, good morning. We all have one common enemy
and that is Satan. Satan does not stop his efforts for the perdition of man. We have a huge spiritual battle right now communism, satanism, atheism, islamism, freemasonry, terrorism, falsehood, corruption and etc. I encourage everyone to ask the help of St. Michael the Archangel, he is a sure help in our daily personal battles and he is a protector against an unhappy death. The St. Michael the Archangel prayer is prayed like this many times during the day. : St. Michael the Archangel defend us in the battle , be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen…God bless..I hope this helps…We can not afford the USA to become communist..God who created the world and the owner of the world is on our side ..we will fight to the end and we will win…That is for sure..
Norm Ornstein, a Heritage Foundation luminary, has a lot to say. Check him out, Dec 5, "The Choice, Medhi Hassan.
We the people have spoken and we want all of you koo koo birds GONE. You crazy fucks following the biggest asshole in American history. Fuck your cult leader and fuck you too
Cheating is cheating. If they cheated and it's proven. They lose. Lance armstrong apparently cheated in the tour de france and they took away all his medals. Not just one but,all 5. Maybe he only cheated on one race?
Quit crying you uneducated idiots. Yea throw everything out. Bunch of morons.
We the people should demand a new election day I don't care if it sets the certification of the election back 6 months we deserve a fair and balanced election there is just too many inconsistencies attorney William Barr is doing absolutely nothing he's not protecting the Civil Rights of all these brave people who have come forward claiming voter fraud when the Democrats were impeach in President Trump Adam shift Nancy Pelosi Jerry Nadler Dianne Feinstein Maxine Waters just to name a few of them refuse to even allow The Whistleblower to be knowing if this is not the most hypocritical BS propaganda then somebody will have to explain to me the definition I've hypocrite ? We can not afford to sit idly by an allow the Democrats to steal our election regardless of what your political views are ? Just imagine if they get away with this what's next im beginning to believe that they literally Cade China to unleash the Coronavirus at this point nothing would surprise me ? They are so desperate to stop president Trump an have been doing everything in their power to undermine his presidency since 2016 only God knows what they are capable of doing ? One has to wonder ? Im sorry about my spelling as well as my grammar i was using the microphone. Oh my goodness gracious i have certainly never seen anything like this in my life ? Lord have mercy on all of us an im praying to God almighty that Americans will wake up before it's to late? because what the Democrats have planned if they manage to steal this election is definitely not going to be good for the United states as a whole China Russia Ukraine are licking their chops and it's all been prophesied in the Bible Isaiah 44 through 55 is only the beginning of this nightmare to come to America will lose many lives and these haters don't care about us our families or even the very future of America as they believe that they are above God almighty ect please pray like never before and fight against these corrupt career politicians pure evil hatred filled agendas.
I keep telling people this election will end up In the supreme court if it does Trump will serve another term, an Biden will end up looking stupid..
Wait a minute? Why are they trying to get the supreme court to take up a case arguing over absentee ballot deadlines and ballot curing? Why isn't he trying to get a fraud case to the Supreme Court? They keep claiming that they have mountains of evidence and all you hear from Trump is how democrats "stole" the election through cheating, so why isn't THAT the case he wants to take to the Supreme Court?
Oh right, he knows his fraud claims are complete bullshit and that even a conservative 6-3 majority can't hand him a win when he's just standing there with his dick in his hand. The fact that he's NOT trying to get the Supreme Court to look at any of his fraud claims, tells you everything you need to know about how serious they are. Do you really think they'd be asking the highest court in the land to look at piddling little election technicalities in a single state if they could actually prove any of Trump's fraud claims? Of course not.
And what's the point of asking the Supreme Court to rule on the rules in one state? Pennsylvania is 20 electoral votes. If they were to rule in Trump's favor, he'd still be losing 252 to Biden's 286. I mean, THIS is the case he's pinning his Supreme Court hopes on and it won't even tip the election in his favor. In fact, considering Biden has an 80,000 vote lead, it might not even be enough to tip the STATE in his favor.
So that's Rudy's big plan? He said it's not a fraud case! Show up to court with an empty briefcase! Perfect! In the other hand a sack full of $ from dumbass Trump supporters! I would have though that after Adolf people would have better common sense!!! NOPE!
The WORLD noticed early on the inconsistencies…. we know they know we know…. 🤨
Just give up. Trump's hoping that the judge he picked will make him president and if she's dosent he will try fire her.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to start presenting evidence if you have any. I guess courts have no sense of humor when it comes to perjury. Funny how votes were mailed in time but took so long to get there, almost as if someone was slowing down the post office.
Voting will be monitored very closely
Next time.
All you Election deniers are some moronic sheep…Trump is the ex-president of the US…WAKE THE FUK UP…….
AUDITS !!!! If they reject audits they will obstruct the TRUTH. They have enough evidence to warrant FORENSIC AUDITS.
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