Can Non-Trinitarians Be Saved?
Greg and Amy answer the questions, “Is modalism a heresy that prevents followers from being saved? If so, what is it about it that is spiritually fatal to salvation? And what about those who don’t know it’s a heresy?”
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Utter nonsense,Proof that Trinitarians are the heretics, they murdered millions, we didn't them.
Next the Trinity was developed over 200 yrs and finally finalized Constantinople council in 381 and only came to a agreement at Nicea onn325.
This man is lying. I will say that Trinies are unsaved and Wrong. I can prove Monarchians who were called Modalists. It is Trinitarians that believe in Jesus the junior God, we hold He is the Supreme God . This guy knows there was no Trinity mentioned in the bible so there is none in the first century at all he cannot find one in the second century because none were calling themselves trinitarians are speaking as three persons or persons or first second third person. Throwing around the term modalism and then trying to define this for us is dishonest, why because only the enemies of the modalist monarchians are left with any writings.
But we have the proof, we were the church totally and our doctrines were from the Bible .
You do not understand Modalism as its proponents present it. They do not believe in sequential modalism. There are many books written by Oneness scholars and teachers which expound on it. Oneness Pentecostals hold to a simultaneousl modalism and not a seuential modalism. There is even no evidence that Sabellius taught a sequential modalism. Your views are inventions of Trinitarian critics and are not factual.
The question is: Are Trinitarians saved? The answer is: NO. There is no such thing as three gods rolled up into one (who knows what). Jesus of Nazareth IS NOT God Almighty and neither is the God's Spirit a third person.
Geez, angels dancing on the head of a pin. Christianity is such a legalistic construct, believe ONE "WRONG" THING and you're Holy Toast. You have to be some kind of religious attorney to understand it!
"That's modalism, Patrick!" – Some Irish peasants, apparently (if you know you know)
Scriptural theology stresses One God not three persons. Our duty is to reinforce that, not divide it.
Not true about Oneness Pentacostals — they actually are Christian. They are not orthodox Christians as defined by church councils, but they are Christians. Yes the Trinity is the correct teaching. No modalism is not correct. But salvation in the Bible does not depend on belief in the Trinity. Salvation in the Bible depends on believing that Jesus Christ is God and man, that He rose from the dead physically, and that His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead is the only salvation from eternal damnation.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are much different — they absolutely are not Christians. They do not believe Jesus Christ is God — that's completely and fundamentally different from misunderstanding how Jesus Christ is God.
The plain text of the Bible says Jesus Christ is God. Oneness Pentacostals believe that. They believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is the only salvation. The relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was articulated centuries later, and no one completely understands it even if we are Trinitarian.
Didn’t Jesus claim to have a God? Didn’t Jesus worship His God with fear?
8:02 – "Jesus said in John 8, 'unless you believe that I am he, you will die in your sins'. Now, 'I am he', well that would be the Messiah, right?"
That would be the Father.
[24] I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
[25] Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.
[26] I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.
[27] They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.
In v.24, when Jesus Christ the Son of God says "I am he", he is claiming to be SOMEONE. The Jews do not understand WHO the someone is, so in v.25 they demand to know, "WHO art thou?". Jesus then answers the Jews' question, but not explicitly, so the Jews still do not understand WHO the someone is. But in v.27, the written Word of God does explicitly tell the reader what the Jews did not understand: the SOMEONE that Jesus is claiming to be…is none other than the Father: "They understood not that he spake to them of THE FATHER."
Jesus Christ the Son of God is God the Father manifested in genuine human form.
If you aren’t worshiping the One True Trinitarian God aren’t you worshiping an idol? Seems pretty easy to see you aren’t saved if you don’t even know who God is.
Can Trinitarians be saved? Or better: Can those who are stubbornly stuck in a worldview created by man, humble only to the tradition and dogma of man, and *_not humble to God and to His Truth, ever make it to Heaven?_*
Some might ask, "So, how are we to know what scripture means?" And the answer is simple: Stay humble — NOT to man, tradition and so-called experts, but to God Almighty — and stay hungry to learn. No one is omniscient and there will always be more to learn. Like the oxymoronic push by Leftists for "settled science," the 4th century church leaders pushed for "settled scripture," a petrified structure of man made logic they called "theology."
The "3-in-1 god" was created by man in the 4th century! Before then, there was no trinity! The church council in AD 325 did not yet include the Holy Spirit! And the one verse which seems to strongly imply trinity was ALTERED by 4th century Trinitarians in their Latin Vulgate version.
Be afraid! For Christ said that many are called (2.5 Billion and rising), but few are chosen — millions?,… thousands?,… a dozen? Are YOU worthy?
It is ONLY by spirit that Heaven is accessible, and it is only through utter humility that spirit is accessible. Yet, millions (even billions?) of Christians are not humble to God Almighty, but to the fictions created by man.
The Holy Bible (ALL versions)
The Logical Christian (hardcover)
Trinity Treason: How the church betrayed its flock with the only unforgivable sin (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
Meaning and Context: Creation (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
Enemies of Christ (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
The Science of Miracles (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
Four Elements of God (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
Proof of God (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
The Art of Forgiveness (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
Dumb Genius: How intelligence is sometimes its own worst enemy (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
1:46 How about water at its triple point? Under those conditions (temperature of 273.16 K and a pressure of 611.66 pascals) water exists as solid, liquid and gas all at the same time.
Not perfect, but an improvement over ice OR water OR vapour.
God said the Ninevites were so dumb they didn't hardly know their left hand from the right. He therefore had mercy on them for acknowledging his Prophet. Yet some would condemn others for not understanding the most difficult of doctrines? While they ignore God's Prophets.
Not complicated at all… PERFECTION IS SINGULAR by its very nature. Father Son and Holy Spirit are one essence: A perfect and holy GOD, made manifest in three individual distinct persons…