Thinking About Mormonism (and Mormon Epistemology)
Brett Kunkle first helps us to think about thinking, answering questions like what is truth and what is knowledge? Then he applies these epistemological lessons to Mormon belief and justification.
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I have to disagree with his reading of D&C 9:7-8. It looks like it's saying basically the same thing as Moroni 10:3-5. Mormons will emphasize that seeking a 'spiritual witness' about the Book of Mormon only works after you've 'read and pondered' about it's teachings. Both passages suggest study comes first, but the test of truth comes through prayer and spiritual experiences.
That doesn't mean it makes any sense or matches what the apostles taught about truth. I think one of the best scriptures to look at in this issue is 1 Corinthians 2-3. Many Mormons quote 1 Cor 2:12-14 as proof that the Spirit teaches people truth, just like Moroni 10 says. The first time they showed me that verse, I was stumped, but then I read it in context of the surrounding verses. Paul addressed his audience in Corinth as 'you,' but when he was talking about the Spirit teaching people, he referred to 'we.' The people who were Spirit-taught was a limited group of people, not anyone who happened to read his letters. This is especially clear a few verses later in 1 Cor 3:1-3. Many believers in Corinth were 'infants in Christ' and not mature enough for solid spiritual food. They could not be addressed as people who live by the Spirit, so even if the Spirit was trying to teach them truths, they were not mature enough to reliably discern that teaching.
That scripture is saying the opposite of what Mormons claim it's saying. If someone today isn't spiritually mature enough to know which church is true, they're certainly not mature enough to discern what the Spirit may or may not say to them. The Spirit is infallible, but human discernment of the Spirit is not, especially for those who are spiritually immature.
This is something I REALLY needed to get my hands on right now. Thanks for doing this.
Mormon teachings and statements in the Bible.
Can you please tell me the answer to these questions.
For example, at Ezekiel 18:4, the Bible says that the soul dies.
However, the Book of Mormon, at Alma 42:9, states: “The soul could never die.”
So who is right the bible or the book of mormon?
Looked down and saw no comments with surprise. I thought there would be a lot of debate.