A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (Then Reveals Who He Is!)
Recently I was invited to do my “atheist encounter” at a Christian school in Florida. Normally audiences know that I am a Christian pretending to be an atheist, but in this case, the Bible teacher insisted I go undercover as an atheist, and the response was awesome. After about 30 minutes of role-playing, I step out of character and talk with the students about how to better engage people of other faiths. If you enjoy, please consider sharing with a friend!
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I am a Christian and find this absolutely disgusting. He is lying, the whole way throgh.
Oh my goodness this must have been so difficult to proclaim the complete opposite of what you know to be true in your heart, especially with the love you have for Christ Jesus. Imho, that was an Oscar worthy performance. I applaud you @seanmcdowell praise Jesus, his Glory shines in you.
This is such a bizarre and strange and ill-thought out approach. Atheists don’t think like you do, even when you think you’re portraying an atheist you’ll never be one, mentally. Next time just bring an atheist with you.
I find it hard to stay with this discussion because it's simply an intellectual debate. I think a more worthwhile way to approach this topic is to recognize the overwhelming evidence of insanity and implosion of western society that has taken place since the wave of rejection of Christ and his Biblical truth began. That evidence is unmistakable and undebatable if we're honest with ourselves. Retracing that departure from loyalty to Jesus Christ has all but destroyed the western world, making us the most wicked, corrupt and despised society on earth at the present time. Focusing on "that" reality would be far more compelling than your debate.
Nice job, except where you lied about not saying society sets morality
You did this at my school once and it’s what caused me to eventually leave the church
First of all, a formal debate is one thing but I don’t believe arguing anything makes a difference in a person’s mind/heart. People take a defensive stance in an argument and end up butting heads. I am a Christian minister and psychotherapist and my approach is “you can’t teach a man anything you can only cause him to discover it for himself” Galileo. Jesus drew people to Himself through His love for them. The only people he administered tough love to were the hard hearted hypocrites of the synagogues. Few maybe know when he took up the whip to remove the money changers was the reason he was furious was that the very place they set up their business was the place God had designated for those outside the faith to enter the synagogue and perhaps become a convert. Also what looked like a terrible God in the Old Testament that told the Hebrews to go into certain tribes and kill everyone including the animals was because the nephelim had contaminated them with rape, orgies, occultism and bestiality etc. The Jewish laws God instituted was to keep their bloodlines un contaminated from the nephelim. Two good books about the authenticity of the Bible are the Genesis Code by Yumcov Ramsel and None of These Diseases by Dr. McCall. Yumcov writes of historical Roman records were Pontius Pilate in his report to Ceaser his meeting of Jesus and it is astounding.
People don’t realize that the Romans had to keep meticulous records of their activities which recorded history during the Roman Empire. Josephus has some very eye opening reports as well. I couldn’t believe at the end of Sean’s acting he had to admonish the audience about the need to be loving to a non-believer. What would be appealing to a non-believer about an angry defensive Christian? God so loved the world that He gave Himself to be crucified so that all who came to him could be saved. He rose again and it is all real. I think one think I hardly hear Christians say is it’s real and I experience God’s love, peace and presence moment to moment. This loving relationship is priceless.
Wow youre bade at your own game.
Why lie to people? Why not jsut have an actual athiest talk to these kids? Is it because youre afraid that they might make some good points?
And remember what the bible has to say about liars: "22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth." Proberbs 12:22.
Wow, you dont even follow your own book!
hmm can I say "strawman" enough? the VAST MAJORITY of atheist's DO NOT act like that
while there may be some small minority who does, it is just like how some christians(catholics are christian by definition) rape young children because they are stupidly disallowed sex but also their genitals that make them horny are left intact
why don't you actually have a real atheist show up and present his/her ACTUAL points? that is the only way to be 100% honest
This is surreal 😂
This is surreal
Overall…I sensed rudeness…and hubris…from these students. I was disappointed, however, I want to think I heard the voices of immaturity, not arrogance.
Wait he's NOT a Philosophy Professor!?
It’s really sad to see all those masks at a Christian university. I hope that we all learned to resist tyranny during the communist’s pretend health scare. Kind of ironic with this exercise🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Legend has it the kid in the second row is still raising his hand to this day.
Not a bad effort. I would definitely drop the multiverse thing. String theory is mocked by many many physicists as it has zero evidentiary support. It certainly is not thought to be the best explanation of anything.
The multiverse is complete nonsense in my opinion. The fine-tuning argument is deeply stupid as an argument and definitely doesn't require the multiverse to reject.
Frankly, your atheistic role play is child's play compared to the likes of Hitchens , Dawkins or Harris….Hitchens in particular was brillliant and quite provactive. But your main point is a good one…that we do need to practice love towards our enemies, an idea clearly put forth by Jesus but rarely embraced by the orthodox, catholic or protestant religions…how else could a devout catholic be the bombadier who dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, in plane blessed by a Cathlic priest before taking off. Also, Atheists have historically served an enormous service to organized religion (e.g., criticisizing indulgences ala the Catholic church etc.)…they really do their homework and often know scripture better than most christians.. and rreally challenge people to think a lot more critically and not just dish out ideas served to them. Thank you for the work you are doing…!!! I especially appreciated your conversations with atheists, genuine conversations without judgement demonstrating love for the person regardless of their points of view. the world needs this more than ever…polarization, refusal to even talk with ones parents becasue they voted for DT….we are in big trouble.
I've watched this twice and will continue to watch it repeatedly. Love it!
Sean does not know what an atheist is much less how to pretend to be one.
An atheist is an ordinary person who is not convinced that a god exists.
Why is that a problem for Sean?
I love how he mentioned the importance of how we treat atheist.
He needs to come back the next week and answer his "character's" arguments. He was very convincing as this character. The diference is he knows the bible better than most Christians and most atheist I have ever heard. I'm still watching. Maybe he did. The pigs I think raising pigs for food was not kosher. (Legal).
Next time raise her mike so i can watch this
I am an atheist, I came from Genetically Modified Skeptic's channel after seeing him talk about your video. I want to say two things, one I appreciate that you did your best to represent atheists accurately and addressed how we treat each other as theists and non-theists; your intentions were clearly coming from a good place and it shows even if I don't share the same arguments or viewpoints of the character you portrayed and you do admit to certain strategies during the discussion that I would personally try to avoid when having a debate in good faith as an atheist with a theist. The second is to ask that you invite atheists to represent themselves at discussions so they can portray their own views. We are not a monolith so I'm sure you'd hear a variety of viewpoints in those discussions, but I feel like it would be a better way of going about these discussions to promote a healthy discourse. If nothing else you can view it as an opportunity to convert an atheist, and for you and your students to better understand who we are and what we think, provided they were given the opportunity to express their views, respond to questions, and to question others. Thank you again for asking your students to consider how they treat atheists and for reminding them that we're all deserving of respect and civility as human beings.
I think you did a good job at being an atheist, except your statements on a multiverse. From my research, I think the universe can be as abstract as "God". Maybe I missed some scientific discovery of a multi verse, but my thoughts are that just because I or science don't know something, doesn't make me have to fill in the gaps to feel validated. We just don't have the intelligence or research to know everything. I feel that many people try to make sense of the gaps with religion.
Those glasses would make him look like an atheist for sure. …😂😂😂 Great presentation- should be done more often for Christian students….
So this whole video was a waste of time, for both the viewer and students. If you wanted an atheist to give an argument that would answer the kids questions and challenge their worldview, why not just bring an atheist in the first place?? All you did was lie to them and gave them "atheist-like answers" that you or any other christian could easily counter.
I used to be an atheist until i experienced divine intervention in my life.
Such utter BS. Imagine instead that you were pretending to be from South Africa, you studied up to know as much as you can about South Africa and answer questions to a room of students who had never been there. Do you think you could pull it off? Now imagine if a few of the people in the audience were actually from South Africa … do you think they might spot problems with you accent, you knowledge, etc.? This is such BS it's shocking you actually put it out.
I thought he was being very condescending and aggressive to a lot of the kids asking questions, while the kids treated him respectfully
Before I was Christian had legit seen an 8 foot tall shadow person that had black smoke coming off it. I wish I was making this up… supernatural entities definitely exist! The shadow walked away abnormally fast when it noticed me so they definitely don't want to be confirmed or seen.
Your arguements are terrible, and your disengenious pretending to represent atheism when you yourself aren't.
I attended 3 secular colleges/universities and 1 Christian college.
The Christian one is the only one who attacked other people's faiths and worldviews.
I disagree, the shroud of Turin wouldn’t just be proof of crucifixion, but also resurrection. They cannot produce a similar effect even now with all the technology because the image on the shroud was embedded in the fabric in a way that only radiation would explain! The power and light that bursted through the fabric when he rose would explain such a phenomenon of radioactive marks embedded in the fabric! It’s phenomenal
Seems like either way it takes faith whether to believe in an eternal multiverse as the origin of our universe or in an eternal creator as the origin of our universe. Ultimately though it makes sense that since all things including the theoretical multiverse are contingent on something else to exist then there must be an ultimate non contingent source upon which all the contingent things in our universe and the theoretical multiverse are ultimately contingent upon to exist. The answer about emergent properties being the source of human consciousness and human intelligence despite the belief that non intelligent non conscious matter is the source from which human life evolved is a statement of faith and not an explanation because it doesn’t explain how the emergent properties of human consciousness and human intelligence emerged because human consciousness and human intelligence is vastly greater than any animal consciousness or animal intelligence so there is no real naturalistic explanation for the emergence of human consciousness and human intelligence. Non intelligence can’t create intelligence. Non consciousness can’t create consciousness