A Reintroduction to SEL: CASEL’s Definition and Framework
CASEL CARES is an initiative that connects our community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. CASEL’s Vice Presidents share evolving insights around CASEL’s well-recognized “wheel” and definition of SEL.
Key Takeaways:
• We need to ensure that our intention for SEL matches the actual implementation on the ground.
• Our new definition looks more holistically at how and where SEL occurs, specifically more focus on:
-How SEL can advance educational equity and excellence.
-Students’ identity, agency, and belonging.
-The many spaces and places where SEL can be promoted, including homes and communities.
-Infusing SEL into curriculum and instruction, extracurricular activities, discipline, student support services, professional learning, and ongoing assessment for continuous improvement.
If you have follow-up questions or inquiries on this topic, please email us at info@casel.org
Learn more: https://casel.org/what-is-sel/
On-demand webinars: https://casel.org/weekly-webinars/