Alan Shlemon: The Illogic of Religious Pluralism
Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason answers the question, “How do you explain the illogic of religious pluralism?”
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Good job, Allen! There are very many religions in the world but if we boil religious contradictions down, we can use Islam and Christianity for example. Their belief about Jesus's crucifixion violates the law of non-contradiction. Islam says Jesus did not die while Christianity says Jesus died. Of course they both cannot logically be true. But I rejoice that the Lord Jesus saved me 17 years ago out of Islam.
An object or a person is defined by its predicates. If the predicates of two deities are mutually exclusive we are frankly not talking about the same deity.
Whilst this is true and I agree with you, we would still be making my point, that allah and Yaweh are the same God but the Muslim lense is slightly different. It doesn't matter if I think his mum has a different hair colour its still the same mum I just happen to be wrong about the hair colour
This isn't my video, but I think I can help.
It would most certainly be the same mother but with different views.
But that does not mean that his mother actually IS all of those things.
There is a truth about his mothers height, weight and hair color. Our different perceptions do not change his mother's attributes. And in the same way, our different perceptions of God do not change his attributes.
Hi there
I am a theist and believe there is one true God but find problems with your argument. Lets use your mum as an example again. Lets say different people saw her, however they all saw her through different lenses
The christian got a clear view through a clear lense and described her adequately
The muslim saw her through a murky lense and thought he was viewing a male
the hindu saw her through a klidoscope and thought he saw four mums
wouldn't this be the same mum with different views?
Good explaination. Thanks. 🙂
Pretty good! Short, simple and gets the point across!