Explicit Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Instruction | CASEL Indicators of Schoolwide SEL
Explore how explicit instruction in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) helps students develop and practice social and emotional competencies. Developed in partnership with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), this video is part of a series that provides practical applications for educators pursuing high-quality, schoolwide SEL.
🎬 About This Series
“CASEL Indicators of Schoolwide SEL” is brought to you by the Broadcast Educational Media Commission, the Ohio Department of Education, Public Media Connect (CET, ThinkTV, WPTO), and the Montgomery County Education Service Center. For more information about Social Emotional Learning in Ohio, check out ODE’s website at http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/Social-and-Emotional-Learning.
📜 About the Multimedia Grant
The Multimedia Grant project has a long history of supporting educational initiatives for Ohioans. This project is a joint initiative among the Broadcast Educational Media Commission (BEMC), the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), and Ohio’s Public Television Stations.
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