Exposing the Antichrist's Plan for World Control | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking The End Times, I have a very important message for you regarding the mark of the beast and a cashless society. I explain this topic in depth as well as discuss the cashless payment system Amazon One.
Subscribers will have access to the entire show where I answer the very important question, “Will we be judged on things we did before coming to Christ?” as well as more.
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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KJV says in the right hand or in the forehead. Digital chip?
I think Amazon one is a conditioning act, the Federal U.S government is alreay putting in place Federal digital system.
Prince William.
What would you use if you lost both of your arms in military service?
Christians who think the rapture will happen before the Great Tribulation will be on for a shock. Christians will be on the Earth when the Antichrist rises to power then the rapture will follow.
The unbeliever pod casters are influence by what Christians say I’m their comments guiding them to to truth.
The Bible says the tribulation saints will come out of the wilderness. Gear up family. I'm not taking the Mark. Id rather die in the woods
The MARK of the Beast.
Solving Rev 13:18
The number of the beast is 666 (Gadreel). It is also the number of a MAN. The MAN carries or hosts the beast. He is the 666 by his very nature. No Name or Gematria needed
The MARK is the "666" "right hand" sign of the "masons" When given it also gives mental or "forehead" commitment to Gadreel.
Masons are the "Beast System".
Trump was King 6 and will be King 8 (soon) of Rev 17:10-11. Trump is the Antichrist.
Biden is King 7 and he hosts Apollyon (Ruler of hell from the bottomless pit)
Knowing the KINGS of Rev 17:10-11 is ESSENTIAL to understanding End Days Prophecies.
Hope this helps,
Enoch (Priest & Prophet)
When will these deluded preachers shut-up?! Seriously! Every bible thumping fanatic spouts off with some version of a world catastrophe. It's becoming annoying and ridiculous. What is this guy a Doctor of any way? Is he a DVM? MD? What did he receive his doctorate in?
If you noticed the united states just rolled out the digital dollar and some other countries already did before the U.S
He takes on a behavior like a cartoon character. He wants to destroy and own the world. He is unstoppable. He reminds me of the Superhero's Fantastic Four. They takes on Neutron Man. Neutron Man was a villain that tried to take over a big city. He was eventually halted by the Fantastic Four. But who will halt the antichrist?
Finally, you said something, I completely agree with. The antichrist comes out of the sea, with a hidden agenda. He is taking dead aim at the United States to make it all happen. World domination. The only country standing in his way, besides America, is China. He starts wars with China to destroy it. He uses the United States to get what he wants.
Thank you Pastor Mark.
I didn't see that episode of Joe Rogan, so appreciate the details.
This is very interesting that he knows about the reference, that he read it out to his audience, and that so many had the chance to hear it and wonder about it.🇭🇲
I fear that a lot of you who are expecting a pre Tribulation rapture will be disappointed and lose faith. Edit: To clarify, it is the doctrine of man and the enemy. Seek and you will be shown. There is no such thing as pre tribulation rapture.
Remember: John wrote according to what he SAW, so perhaps the images he was seeing was mostly showing people placing their right hand and facial recognition, that will be very common as well.
The AI will evolve so much and the one who will control the AI will control the world.
I wonder if the "mark" on the forehead actually means it will be in the brain (which is located in the area of the forehead)
I heard they were rolling out the digital I.D as of September?? Still looking for conformation.
Strongly consider Tim Cohen’s book “ The antichrist and a cup of tea “
when I see the word covid19 I see covert Identification
Joe Rogan he needs Jesus!!! I've seen him on tv and his language is aweful😮
The mark of the beast isint just about how you will get stuff in order to survive, it's about your aligence, is it to God and the Lord Jesus christ or is it to the Antichrist and ultimately Satan. By taking the mark of Antichrist you will forever forefit your soul 😢 there's no second chance 😢. And this mark will only happen in the mid part of the 7 year tribulation after Antichrist is killed and comes back to life, then the Whole world follows the beast, not that thay weren't anyway but this will be at a whole new level 😮 remember Satan is the counterfeit Father, the Antichrist is the Counterfeit Son and the Fallce prophet is the Counterfeit Holy spirit.
Iv just asked Google about amazon one and yes it is real. I remember way back in 96 getting a book by thomas ice called the coming cashless society and that was talking about the mark of the beast. People like Dave hunt grant Jeffrey chuck misler John ankerburg and more were all speaking about this subject some 30 year's ago and the technology that was up n coming in those day's and here we are 😮