Have You Been Changed l Voddie Baucham
Have You Been Changed l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 42:12-38
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Listen to the entire Genesis series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN8eJ…
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I'm wondering what the doctorate is in. Theological degrees do little to impress.
I can't fully express how thankful and blessed I am by finding Pastor Baucham, and his sermons – beyond words and thank you for sharing his sermons. I would like to ask if anyone knows if Pastor Baucham's sermon notes are available? I am starting to take notes while listening, but also wanted to ask if his might be available. Thank you and "may YHWH bless you and keep you; may He make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; and may He turn His face toward you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26)
Lord Jesus I love you, but Most Importantly you love Us as your children. God please change my heart and help me live by your Word!!
Voddie is such a powerful preacher! Thank you for making this available for all 🙂
I'm changing. Praying.
I never saw why Joseph was doing what he was doing in Genesis 42. Thank you! Now I understand.
What a most powerful message. Thank you Jesus for your words and your guidance. This opened my heart and my mind to a few faults of my heart and mind. I repent in the name of Jesus I ask forgiveness. Amen.❤
Absolutely changed.❤🙏
Powerful message.
Changed attitude toward sin and fear of the Lord, but feel very little love or any other positive feeling in anything (which I attribute to compiled pain, anguish, and isolation). Can this be understood as a transitional period? How do I feel/give love in the midst of suffering?
How can I test myself if I can't trust myself? To what do I compare myself that reveals that I am being sanctified vs fooling myself because i so desperately want to believe i am being sanctified? I thought I was saved for DECADES but wasn't. No change. "Came back to Christ" when my daughter was born and TRULY BELIEVED I was pursuing Christ. I read scripture everyday for at least 2 hours, but still no change. I've always believed Christ has His hands on me, but no changes. I was even rejected by Christians for "knowing the Bible" more than they did. Eventually, I "backslid" and had an adulterous affair for 8 years. I am even afraid to go to church. Was I ever a true Christian? Am I a true Christian? How can I test myself if I've already deceived myself so many times?
There are consequences when we Sin.
You CANNOT undo the past. You carry it with you for all time.
We may escape the final judgement of God due to the Love and Grace of God in Christ.
But on Earth we will suffer.
Watching others HURT by our Sin or seeing the Truth of our Sinful choices in our life?
Did a wedding ring change Davids relationship with Bathseba and God?
Did it change Davids heart or nature?
Repentence is the road back to God and restoration of a relationship but it does NOT erase the Sin.
How many people did Joseph hurt by living and putting God 1st?
Potiphars wife? Rejection.
But lying with her would have hurt all of them WORSE.
Live right before God and mankind and you wont hurt people.
David " loved " Bathsheba and Uriah. RIGHT?
He loved NOBODY. He loved Sin.
Lust ISNT love.
Joseph was obedient to God. That's a LEAP to assume Joseph forgave them. He could have left vengeance to God and NOT to himself.
He wouldn't Murder his brothers. Joseph would obey the Law.
He has shown his obedience up to this point.
Like God did with and through Jesus. Joseph may have desired restoration and NOT retribution.
Open eyes and open hearts and open minds.
Lord, Reveal to those who You KNOW what You want us to KNOW, Amen.
Thank you for cutting the fat and bringing it exactly as it is.
Does anyone know how to reach out to Dr. Voddie Baucham? An email address or something?
I am saved, have fallen away quite a bit. I cannot find a church that hasn't in some way bend the Word to conform to society. I never feel like I'm doing good enough. Every single time I sin I feel overwhelming guilt, yet will do it again the first chance I get. Nobody I know goes to church, I feel completely alone. What am I doing wrong?
God changed me of my old ways 8 years ago. I am so glad and thankful he did❤ I have so many stories and I remember all the dreams I have. I seen men from the Bible from what looked like days of Moses. My dreams are so clear, and they were right there. And then Jesus appears saving my daughter from the evil government. I better stop here. Thank you and thank you Lord for another day Amen 🙏 ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Yes I am a Christian!