Here’s How to Start a Conversation
Greg Koukl and Amy Hall answer the question, “Greg’s tactics seem to be designed to react to something someone says, but how do you get into a conversation with someone to begin with?”
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So thankful i found this, my biggest struggle 💕
Geat ideas, I have been away from God for many years. This really helped me. Thanks
Getting into a conversation that might lead to gardening, or gospelling, starts with finding common ground. Ask questions is still the best way: you can use the current political issues, then steer the issue to what's really important: Greg's suggestion is a great one, IMO; you can start with family, what you've been doing…just think of how you can navigate a conversation to talk about something that really excites you: your new car, new house, next holiday, previous holiday, new baby, new spouse….then ponder how you can apply these techniques to spiritual things. Also I've found that if you constantly pray for opportunities…they will come. And as Greg teaches; our aim is to not make a convert at each encounter, it is to take the conversation Christ-ward: gardening, or just talking about why you have the convictions that you do.
A really really good start is to join in with criticism of the church: then get to how we are all error prone, and tour through the 'problem' of evil, to its resolution in Christ.
Thanks for this discussion… very helpful & very useful… I have yet to have someone make a claim against Christianity as portrayed in the book… so to have a conversation starter with the goal of gardening is of real value…
Try asking if they can name someone who makes it easy to love them. Usually, they do know at least one and maybe a few people in their lives. This opens up the opportunity for me to say, "I find both God and Jesus are very easy to love." I then explain why that is… Thanks for all your suggestions in your presentation. In His footsteps! James Y.
I ask what a key scripture means to them. One of my favorites is Hebrews 13:14. I ask what does this means to you? "For this world is not our home; we are looking forward to our everlasting home in heaven." I usually learn more about them and ultimately learn more about God's holy word because I think many of us can get the full meaning or a deeper understanding of His words to us by listening to each other. So please keep this topic alive! I am learning from your presentation. >>> James Y.
Thanks for your great insights on engaging others for the purpose of introducing our Lord Jesus Christ! Sometimes, I find asking about offers – How do you respond to the various offers in your life? What kind of offers have you encountered lately? I tell them, "Even if you or I or others don't like what this world has to offer us, you are going to like no love what Jesus has to offer all of us – redemption." Reconciliation at its best! I then can ask if they are looking for an opportunity to restore a past relationship with other. Usually, they bring up a few that they think would be great to resume, even if that would include forgiving those who were offensive to them to reconnect. At this point, I can say who is looking to do the same with you! Usually this is good news to them. It makes their day. Then, I can quote one of the most loving scriptures to them. Luke 19:10 Jesus said, "The son of man has come to seek and to save which has been lost." James Y.
Seems sneaky. Why not let God place you within reach of a person that will be OK with a conversation.