Make Men Masculine Again | 5 Minute Video
Rape, murder, war – all have one thing in common: Men. The solution seems simple: make men less toxic – make men less masculine. In this video, Allie Stuckey, Host of “Allie” on CRTV & “Relatable” podcast, explains why demonizing masculinity is not the solution, but the problem.
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Rape, murder, war—they all have one thing in common: Men.
Aggression, violence, ambition unchecked by conscience—all the stuff of “toxic masculinity,” right?
And, the solution is obvious: make men less toxic.
Make men less masculine.
Make men more like women.
But I’m here to tell you that this way of thinking is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.
Here’s why: When you try to make men more like women, you don’t get less “toxic masculinity,” you get more.
Why? Because bad men don’t become good when they stop being men; they become good when they stop being bad. Aggression, violence, and unbridled ambition can’t be eliminated from the male psyche; they can only be harnessed. And when they are harnessed, they are tools for good, not for harm.
The same masculine traits that bring destruction also defeat tyranny. The traits that foster greed also build economies. The traits that drive men to take foolish risks also drive men to take heroic risks.
The answer to toxic masculinity isn’t less masculinity; it’s better masculinity. And we know what that looks like.
It’s a young man opening the door for a girl on their first date. It’s a father working long hours to provide for his family. It’s a soldier risking his life to defend his country.
The growing problem in today’s society isn’t that men are too masculine; it’s that they’re not masculine enough. When men embrace their masculinity in a way that is healthy and productive, they are leaders, warriors and heroes. When they deny their masculinity, they run away from responsibilities, leaving destruction and despair in their wake.
The consequences can be seen everywhere.
One in four fathers now lives apart from his children. And children who grow up without a dad are generally more depressed than their peers who have a mother and a father. They are at far greater risk for incarceration, teen pregnancy and poverty. Seventy-one percent of high school dropouts are fatherless.
“Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives…family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation.”
That was said by then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.
“If we are honest with ourselves,” he went on, “we’ll admit that…too many fathers are…missing from too many lives and too many homes.”
As much as we try to deny the need for real, masculine strength in society, there’s no denying its necessity. Healthy families and strong communities depend on the leadership and bravery of good men.
Yet, the current trend is to feminize young men in the hopes of achieving some utopian notion of equality and peace. And it starts at the earliest ages. In the school classroom, boys are invariably “the problem.” On the playground, aggressive games like dodgeball have long been banished. We tell young men that their intrinsic desire to compete is wrong. Everybody gets a trophy. Don’t run up the score. This anti-male tilt continues on through higher education and into the workplace. It has created millions of tentative men, unhappy women, and confused boys and girls.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/make-men-masculine-again

make men feminine again
Let’s start with Dennis prager
Grrr im mad for no reason 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Very, very good.
Yep everyone is telling me to act more feminine this is a real widespread thing and not just bait for conservatives.
“When men deny their masculinity, they run away from their responsibilities, leaving destruction and despair in their wake.”
So what does that say about women?
Ok. That was enough common sense for a day.
The raps in the military are made by gays but rap* cannot be associated with LGBTTIQ+.
I'm sorry… RAPE?!??!?!??!?!
These videos are so stupid…
I've checked some hip hop and I believe than no one is trying to stop men being masculine. I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen feminists criticizing hip hop artists.
Some great reflections shared … thank you … yet so much is said by women … and effeminate men … about what men should be … and not be … and here is another woman … and here is the other side of the coin … what changes do women need to make … to be more feminine … instead of being stuck on repeat … shooting your mouth off … practice what you preach … and here is a breadcrumb … while the archetype for masculine is order … the archetype of feminine is chaos … go figure 🙏
Making men more "feminine" is just another expression of equality of outcome…very dangerous. Passive men are easy prey to communist totalitarianism
As a transwoman I agree, for as long as you don't define us as men.
Well said
Don’t listen to a woman on masculinity it’s like asking a poor person how to be rich
the coy, shit-eating smile she has when she says "rape, murder, war. they all have one thing in common: men" is sending me
This has been happening since 2019 damn
This is a good human being. Not a more masculine dude.
Great content. If we don’t stop with the liberal BS in this country, we simply won’t have one.
This felt like a sexist fever dream. All I got from this is men = bad 💀 and women = dependent 💀
Why don’t they do videos of “make women feminine again”
Why is it always targeting guys?
so in conclusion its feminism which is toxic.
What a stupid woman 😂
I love how they are just spitting opinions. Source: 2:51 ,this graph is so reliable
ok but femboys are cute though
let men be men 🙏
I agree with a lot of what this video says, but I hope that the authors do not somehow imply that the leadership and responsibility bears solely on the man, because as a woman I’d rather be single than in that position. I’m in for a fair negotiation, but not for being babied.
if masculinity triats are okay for women
why isn't it okay for men
Brilliant summary. Top work, PragerU.
Why do fathers not see their children? Maybe because a toxic mother doesn't want to!
Men acting feminine was never an issue. "Women don't want men who aren't men." False.
In today's society we prioritize love a lot, enough to have a holiday surrounding it. When we fall in love with people, we love them for who they are, not because of their sex. It's ridiculously stupid to say, "No women will ever love men who are too femine." That man you're referring to could be the most caring and responsible person in the world.
I'm AFAB but if I was assigned male at birth and saw this video I would wear a dress and makeup as a response. Like what're you gonna do about it? Tell me to stop being myself and meet 'your' expectations?
If there's a guy reading this who likes being femine I encourage you to do what you like, it's not like it's hurting anyone. If you don't like being feminine that's okay too. There's so many people nowadays who are so hateful because other diverse people exist. I'm genuinley convinced it's why we can't have nice things. :/
How about make politicians do some shit for once.
Wow. How egregiously trite yet everyone online thinks they’ve a point about that which does not concern them
I'm using the masculinity to destroy the masculinity acording to prager
being trans is some crazy shit honestly
How dare you bring CS Lewis into this silly video!!
This is some dumb shit
Who’s gonna tell her?
“They become good when they stop being bad.”
Wow, PragerU. Really compelling! What’s next, are you going to tell me that water is wet? Maybe that fire is hot? Incredible.
Only gelded simps allow the Empowered American Female to tell them what masculinity is, and how men should behave . . . so as to serve women better, of course.
I do not associate at all with 'Prager University' and the reason is obvious: Prager and his readership are exactly the cowardly cucks who have sold out God and country in order to advance and endlessly empower females. Prager needs to learn about masculinity from strong Christian men, instead of pretending he is some sort of 'professor' who is on Earth to enlighten others.
I have no doubt whatsover that Prager is totally ruled over, and cucked, by the females in his family. He isn't a leader, he's a little boy pretending to be a grown man.