Preferred Pronouns or Prison | 5 Minute Video
“He.” “She.” “They.” Have you ever given a moment’s thought to your everyday use of these pronouns? It has probably never occurred to you that those words could be misused. Or that doing so could cost you your business or your job – or even your freedom. Journalist Abigail Shrier explains how this happened and why it’s become a major free speech issue.
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If you want to control people’s thoughts, begin by controlling their words. That’s totalitarian thinking. It was once completely foreign to America. Not anymore.
Increasingly, Americans are forced to use language against their will or even their conscience or be prepared to suffer the consequences. And those consequences can be dire.
Take, for example, the issue of transgenderism, the newest “civil rights battle” of our time. A decade ago, few people could even tell you what the word “transgender” meant. Today, expressing the “wrong opinion” on the issue can cost you your business or job—or both.
Consider recent state and local actions punishing those who decline to use an individual’s pronouns of choice. In 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation threatening jail time for health-care professionals who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse to use a patient’s preferred pronouns.
Under guidelines issued in 2015 by New York City’s Commission on Human Rights, employers, landlords and business owners who intentionally use the wrong pronoun with transgender workers and tenants face potential fines of as much as $250,000. That’s a steep price for saying “he” instead of “she” or “she” instead of “he,” or even “he” or “she” instead of “they.”
What about the vast majority of citizens who hold the biology-based view that chromosomes determine your sex—male or female? Or those who have a deep-seated religious conviction that sex is both biological and binary—God’s purposeful creation?
In December of 2018, Peter Vlaming was fired from his job as a French-language teacher in a Virginia school district because he refused to refer to a transgender student by the student’s preferred pronouns. Vlaming’s Christian belief prevented him from bowing before the notion that the student, who had been a “she” in his class the year before, was now suddenly a “he.” Vlaming was willing to use the student’s chosen new name, but he avoided using any pronouns when referring to this student. That wasn’t good enough for the school district; they needed to hear him say the words.
You don’t have to be religious to believe that one person can never be a “they.” The Supreme Court has clearly decided that compelled speech is not free speech.
In West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), the Supreme Court upheld the students’ right to refuse to salute an American flag. Justice Robert Jackson wrote, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, religion or other matters of opinion.” And, Jackson went on to say, the state can’t force people to say things they don’t believe.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/preferred-pronouns-or-prison

Modern western world is absolutely scary!😢
you are absolutely right sir
There actually is no such thing as “transgender”. You can call yourself that all you want, but it doesn’t mean that you are.
Well maybe call people what they want to be called jackass
I say what I believe. If you got boobs , long hair , and no beard I'll call you ma'am. If you are a fat , hairy guy in a tutu , sorry but I'll still call you sir. I have'nt got the time or inclination to do sexual/gender calculus equations so you won't cry.
this says it all thank you
…Idiots. That's all I can really think of as a response. You guys are just so moronic. It isn't hard just to respect someone, you morons. You guys can go through life without being an asshole. And it really pisses me off that you didn't even try to explain what Neopronouns when you gave examples of them. Just a little advice, just try to be a little more open-minded. Also, you deserve to be silenced considering the idiotic shit y'all say. tl;dr: Y'all assholes, get rekted, lmao.
In my opinion (and I'm trying to be sensitive here), you should only face charge if you continue to use the person's pronouns after finding out what they are despite being told repeatedly not to do that. I say this because people use to disrespect people's names and proper pronunciation out of racial discrimination, but even then, you don't jail a person for making a mistake especially if they don't speak the language. And I have to say this… the term "biological male/female" is not an insult.
Im openly trans and I strongly agree. Forcing people to pay fines or serve prison time and do prison labour for that doesn't solve the problem of transphobia, it only encourages it.
The further you drift away from God's word,the further you get into insanity😮
Actually it is very simple, there are only "he, she, it" if someone reject "he or she", then just use "it", problem solved.
So sneaky.
This pronoun shit is mental illness
Saying the wrong pronouns a being sent to jail is like a Jewish person getting sent to the Holocaust, who would’ve thought a disgusting thing like that would’ve happened today.
I just love videos like this which are filled with common sense and good reasoning.
Dude, just get off of us and let us live a normal life. It’s not that hard to say a word, and when somebody gets married we call them Mrs., Mr., etc.? You have to be kidding me.
Mis or reinterpreting words is how leftists confuse libtards and warp minds. Leftist fascism is controlling words, thoughts, and reality to make slaves of the masses as socialists always do.
“What about the people with strong religious convictions” yeah those are their ideals not mine so what if they think I shouldn’t be able to switch genders. And any laws against trans people that are founded in religious beliefs are stupid what happed to separation of church and state also people who say “I don’t want to go to jail for saying sir instead of ma’am” the law isn’t about accidents is if you repeatedly do it on purpose and the people who are like but it’s my freedom of speech if you went to a black person and started calling them racial slurs you could get sued for harassment
Hey you! The safest pronoun.
My preferred pronouns are he and she. I will use them accordingly. As a post op trans, I will use my preferred pronouns, not yours.
No one has ever been arrested for misgendering someone. In fact, trans people get frequently bullied over it. Its all fearmongering about a non existent problem.
500,000 years of he and she.
The patient's charts state the gender. M or F.
Hey you is now my favorite pronoun.
Its a woke world afterall.
Fear, isolation, fragility, hostility, insecurity. That's what is in store for trans people who are taught to beware of "transphobia" and for those who otherwise would speak to them, but won't anymore.
I am forced to pay taxes and it violates my free will, free speech AND my feelings!
Yeah of course you can get in trouble for intentionally using the wrong pronouns, pronouns are just a way to refer to people. Like a name. If you repeatedly deliberately refer to someone in a way that makes them uncomfortable in order to invalidate their identity, then you deserve to get in trouble. The same way using someone's preferred name is basic human respect, it's also basic human respect to use someone's preferred pronouns. It's not forcing people how to speak.
And yes, "expressing the wrong opinion on the business" can get you in trouble too. Because that's discriminative. It's like being racist can get you in trouble.
Also, yes, chromosomes do determine your sx (or in some cases by body parts). They just don't determine your gender . Also, sx isn't binary, because what about intersex people?
And no, one person can be a they.
1. used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
"the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted"
used to refer to a person of unspecified gender.
"ask someone if they could help"
(Oxford definition)
It has always been this way. Singular they (using "they" when referring to a single person) has been used since the 14th century.
Let's move to Russia, everyone!
PragerU: People have the right to speak the way they want to. It's wrong to force someone to say things they don't believe in.
Also PragerU: Saying the wrong holiday greeting is a war and conspiracy against my way of life
Marxism doctrine has intoxicated USA spirit.
I bet I am going to get everyone mad.
The left and the right.
Friendly reminder thst sex is biological,
and gender is also biological.
Gender is not a social construct,
gender is in the brain, it is part of yourself.
When your gender is not the same as the biological sex,
you maybe have gender dysphoria?
Evertime I talk to anyone, it is like torture.
And online the same thing happens, but less frequently,
I still have people say "you're a guy" sometimes.
But in that situation I can just mute them if they aren't even going to listen.
Not the same in real life, I can't just ignore, filter them out, go away or push them away.
I go away and they follow me, I go away and then I get told to come back(school).
Oh also the online LGBTQIA+ community most of the time
doesn't accurately represent the LGTQIA+ community.
I do like pipe bomb jokes, but that's because I find anything funny,
I mean I don't but I still laugh.
Also just so you know, most people on the internet fake for attention,
any, positive or negative.
I am not one of those, and I hate when someome assumes
that I am faking gender dypshoria and/or neurodivergency.
The only thing I want is for people to understand.
Preferred pronouns are for trans that never transitioned.