The Book of Genesis – Session 2 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “worldview” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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Brilliant,the reason this stuff to do with wave particular duality the "intelligent observer paradox and so on isn't taught to our kids is that the only explanation for it point to a brilliant and loving creator that has made us an important part of his world
“One hundred thousand angels singing…” 🎤 🎵
– Johnny Cash
This teacher is so worried to proof ‘scientifically “ Genesis, that he thinks that he is being wise, but is a fool big time. ‘Cursed is the man that trusts another man” (Jeremiah 17:5). Nobody wants to know what the serpent science says., the earth is a realm..it has a firmament (dome) over it. The sun is a luminary just like the MH said. So the moon also. Whatever goes beyond the Word is from the serpent. Give me a break, false believers..
Chuck Missler was/is the best Bible teacher ever, and we saw him at prophecy conferences a few years before he went to be with The Lord. What an intense teacher he was.
47:35 Chuck Missler proves the Trinity Of Light.
Space has a trinity: Length, Width, Height
Time has a trinity: Past, Present, Future
Matter has a trinity: Solid, Liquid, Gas
Light or Energy has a trinity: Particle, Wave, Information
I don't think the gap theory is needed to explain the whole "earth became without form" or the entry in Isaiah. As Dr. Missler said the Bible doesn't often argue God, it just assumes He's there. It also assumes He is perfect and what He does is perfect.
So why would God put that in His word? Because He knew people would look at the world and ask, "Why would God make a place that falls apart?" He was simply anticipating the question and declaring He didn't make it like this. It became like this. Genesis 1 and 2 then go on to detail how He created the world while Genesis 3 explains how disorder and confusion came to be.
Not to mention this establishes a pattern seen elsewhere in the Bible: the first couple of verses give a brief overview of what's coming, then the subsequent verses start from the beginning and explain in detail exactly what transpired. Why people would believe it's anything but this, especially the establishment of the rule of first mention, is beyond me.
Does God use the common to confuse the sophisticated?
Chuck Missler is the best.Thank you very much,for helping me grow in my faith and relationship with God.
May chucks teaching reach the hole church
Everyone on Earth should see this series in my humble opinion.
God Bless you sir.
Going through the whole bible again with Mr Chuck, there is so much and so Amazing what and how God created this Universe and it is a gift that Mr Chuck knows the science and physics of things. Thank you for sharing.
I can’t believe it took me 8 years after I first came to believe that I started listening to Chuck Missler. These are some pretty good stuff.
The Gap Theory…
Thank you for this!
To this very day, nobody can prove gravity exists. A graviton does NOT exist. Photons DO exist and they've been discovered. Just FYI…
Eden was before the earth became void?
Where can you purchase these videos? I would like video, not just audio. Thanks.
Just amazing Chuck. He had such wisdom and knowledge. If this teaching doesn't make you say "woah, mind blown" than listen to it again and again. Such a great explanation.
Are these newly remastered videos on Genesis being uploaded every Wednesday??
Man O man, this is some good stuff right here about how awesome our God is, and that he gives us a glimpse of things past present and future, and thank God for choosing Chuck Missler and koinonia house family for helping us through these times, I'd be lost in time if he hadn't chosen you all 🙏😊
What if the dinosaurs where from the days of Noah period and they were just genetically modified animals since the whole earth was genetically polluted 😮
I always thought it's fascinating that light was created before the sun
Why is he teaching a heliocentric universe when God’s Earth is a level, stationary plane?
Thank you and be blessed.
2:10 One of the most important piece of wisdom I have ever learned is this fact. 99% of today’s Christians don’t have any idea of this.
Love Chuck Missler! God bless you and thank you for helping me grow in my faith and relationship with Yeshua, the Maschiach Nagid!
Im a sinner in the need of savior. The corrupt flesh temps daily. Jesus is the only life for us all. The King of kings.
Blessings to All🙏 GOD sure made our chuck ANOINTED 💥🙏❤️😁