True for You but Not for Me
Can something be true for you and not true for me? In other words, is the truth relative or is the truth fixed? How you answer this question shapes the way you look at the world. Renowned philosophy professor Paul Copan provides an excellent road map through this tricky and vitally important issue.
This video was made possible through our partnership with Summit Ministries. In a world of dishonesty, Summit helps you tell the truth. Equip yourself at: https://www.summit.org/resources/prageru-sign-up-truth/
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Is there such a thing as truth?
Or is everything, including truth, a statement of personal opinion or preference? In other words, is truth relative?
For our purposes here, let’s put aside the science angle. Yes, you can sit on a couch and not appear to be moving, but since the earth, at the equator, is rotating at 1100 miles per hour, you are, from that perspective, moving—and very fast. I’m not talking about that kind of relative.
Let’s confine ourselves to the more everyday questions of truth. Like, does it exist?
Once, the answer to this question was obvious—usually confined to late-night discussions in college dorm rooms. But no longer.
Truth is going through a tough time.
A white woman feels black and represents herself to be so. She rises in the leadership ranks of the NAACP until her fiction is exposed. She refuses to go quietly, however. She feels black, and so she is black.
A 69 year-old man in the Netherlands petitions the court to legally change his age to 49 because that’s how he feels.
And, of course, seemingly on a daily basis, men (and more and more boys), with all the chromosomes and body parts that make them distinctly male, declare themselves to be female; and women (and more and more girls) likewise declare themselves to be male. They feel they are one sex or the other; therefore, they are that sex.
And we must accept that, regardless of what the truth is.
In a viral video, a 5-foot, 9-inch American Caucasian male asks students at the University of Washington to acknowledge that he’s Chinese, or six-foot-five, or a woman. Some hesitate, but no one will tell him what he’s saying is not true – that he’s not what he says he is. That would be “mean”—and “intolerant.”
This “true for you, but not for me” relativism is disconcerting because it requires the acceptance of obvious contradictions, denial of reality, and common sense. Rather than adjusting our lives to the truth, the truth has to adjust itself to us.
But it’s very difficult to live this way, not to mention it being highly impractical. We rely on mind-independent universal truths in order to think clearly, to navigate life. Otherwise, we quickly get lost.
There must be some things that just are—things that are true. This way points North for everybody, no matter what anyone happens to prefer or sincerely believe.
So, what is truth?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/true-for-you-but-not-for-me

Umm… I can see shooting down a strong argument for relative truth but can personal identities be cognitively relational?
he also wrote a book called
Distract with insanities and they won’t notice that elections are being altered because there are enough liars denying the truth that no one knows until they are all slaves.
Oprah has never impressed me with her intellectual prowess!!!
Earth is Flat!! earth is Stationary 🙂
From Tolstoy there is the following statement about facts:
"There are no facts. There is only our perception of them."
Nietzsche said, "There are no facts, only our interpretation of them."
Just think about that. So simple but still so profound!
Your truth: “the Beatles suck.”
My truth: “they’re amazing.”
This stuff ain’t complicated.
Here is the problem: Truth changes constantly. Much of what we (as a species) believed to be true 100 years ago has now been proven to be false. No doubt, many of the things we believe today will later be disproven. For sure, we should use facts and logic to navigate ourselves through life. But we should never dismiss any ideas that conflict with our current understanding of "what is true" as just being wrong or "based on feelings rather than facts". Because nobody is the torch holder of truth, we are all fallible. Everything that you believe to be true, could one day be proven false.
wow. great job, PragerU. I have been saying this and feeling this way for a long time. this video perfectly explains everything wrong with society.
ain't no way my religion teacher recommended a PragerU video
Excellent. Always pursue the truth.
If you broke your leg, then it's broken, not "truth is different to everyone".
It is actually cool that we in Ukraine have two words for truth. According to the dictionary they are practically synonyms but when people say istyna they mean facts, things that corresponds to reality, the truth, and when they say pravda they usually mean someone's truth.
This dude "Stop making my pp confused trans people!!, you're destroying the fabric of reality!!!!!!!!!!"
Obviously some truths are absolute but most of them are relative in my opinion
I have decided to identify as part Mexican, and part non fat dry milk.
I worked with someone in college who took relativism as far that even murder was acceptable to "other cultures" and that was ok. I lacked the wisdom to effectively retort at the time, and I hope he grew more wise as he aged. However, if my past self has some of my time worn wisdom I have now I would have said this: If this (Western) culture came to accept that, would you be willing, for sake of your relativistic ideology, to give your life to someone who finds your death preferable? I mean, take relativism to it's extreme, what atrocity is too much? Taken to it's unconscionable extreme, the only rule would be "might make's right" and I wager all but the most insanely committed relativist would find that unlivable.
I'm disappointed by this video. I wish this issue were put in the context of leftist ideology and tactics to brainwash people and gain power. I would also skip the transgender example, since that issue is more complex than presented here, and has a lot to do with redefining the meaning of words rather than necessarily denying the existence of truth.
It's hot, i'm thirsty, I need a drink. Truths.
A girl cannot become a boy.
That's not my truth, it is the truth
Truth is like death, you can always deny it but you cannot escape from it.
"Some people are whacky and also I dont get the difference between sex and gender" thats some great evidence you got there bennis brager
This man speaks "The Truth"
This guy never took a logic class. There are things like your truth if your experience differentiates from mine.
However, I generally agree that truth must be verifiable by anybody.
The fact that there needs to be a video about this is a sign that our society is failing…
But there is still hope.
Think of it this way
Transgender people deny the truth because they really cannot live as a boy, and doing so causes them pain, so they choose to believe they are a girl so they can stop feeling emotional pain
This isn't a slippery slope as the only people who are denying seemingly obvious facts are republicans, simply put, if they aren't hurting you, you have no reason to hurt them.
The fact that only 1Million people watch this video means so much about what is happening in our world today.
Oh my God, the fact I have managed to find this channel is a miracle in itself. Gen Z cant seem to access REAL information these days 🙄
Still here in 2021:
Democrats: peaceful protest when it's done by Antifa and BLM. Riots when it's done by conservatives!
Truth is not relative. Change my mind.
If a girl is boyish there a boyish girl not a boy
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
~ Philip K. Dick
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6 KJV
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32 KJV
Your right facts don't care about your feelings. It doesn't matter if you feel like there is a God there just isn't.
How did I guess he'd end off with "and that's the truth" ?
Part of the problem with this is that the erosion of truth leads inevitably to dissembling and outright dishonesty. Much commerce, to be successful, must be based on trust. How can a relativist, who will change moral standards on a whim, be trusted? As truth erodes, trust erodes. As trust erodes, commerce becomes more difficult. If you can’t trust your neighbour, you will avoid making deals with him.
But there are some cases we can not stand this "truth". If you believe in god he is real for you. If you don't believe it, he is not real.
Where is this attitude when it comes to religious people denying science? Science has proven time and again that all religions are false, yet we still hear cries of "You can't take away my deeply held spiritual beliefs". Evolution, Climate Change, Medicine. These have stood up to every argument thrown at them, and people still believe in Adam and Eve, that fossil fuels don't hurt us, and that praying does more than going to the doctor.
everyone who watches this shit and thinks hes making valid points has an iq of 20 or lower