STR Book Club: The Universe Next Door – Week 2
Jon, Alan, and Tim will be discussing the worldview of naturalism from chapter 4 of the book “The Universe Next Door.” If you’re reading along, you can skip pages 75-81 on Marxism since we’ll be covering those in the next episode.
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I see the hypocrisy in pointing out inconsistency in other worldviews while holding onto yours without question.
It's funny how naturalism not involving a god makes it hard for your group to grasp their worldview. I wish you luck on your journeys in empathy.
If one is attempting to understand purpose of life, it will not be found until the seeker can comprehend the relationship between the physical and the spiritual. There is no end to the argument if the two -isms are viewed separately and the choice is one or the other. For that matter, all "isms" are deceivers of truth. Real truth is found in the divine relationship between the created and the creator, not one -ism over the other.
Romans 1:18-22 Sums up the theist and naturalist. The origin of life is the unmovable rock, the obvious "gap" in naturalism that can be tested in laboratories. The belief that life could originate in a mindless warm little pond(darwins words)primordial soup, under sea, volcanic vent etc; That chemicals spontaneously assembled themselves into a living organism, that in it's simplest form cannot be duplicated by scientists in any laboratory in the world, even with a working model of the simplest example in hand vindicates these scriptures. Because if you look at the chemistry just to make the basic building blocks of the 20 essential, paticular, chiral amino acids. The units of proteins, how very difficult just to produce them in a laboratory with the recipe given (supposedly) by a mindless pond, the conclusion should be: this couldn't happen in a any natural setting. And this is just one unsolved problem of just on component..There are the lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates that make up the rest of cells. There is plenty of evidence that a natural origin of life is absurd but that's where the futile speculations, foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they have become fools..This gives me much confidence in jousting with atheists.
Is 2 Corinthians 12:2 regarding the man caught up to the 3rd heaven going to be touched on?