What’s Wrong with Atheism? — Science and God
Is there any meaning to life? Or is life nothing more than a cosmic accident? Scientific atheists claim the latter, but ironically, it’s science itself that suggests the former.
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In a recent interview, while I was presenting some scientific discoveries that may point to the existence of God, a camera operator, a young woman whom I’ll call Maria, began to weep visibly. Later she told me the reason for her tears.
Like many young people, Maria believed in God when she arrived in college. But while there, she repeatedly encountered professors who insisted that based on “the science” God was a myth.
No more real than Santa Claus.
Maria didn’t feel equipped to challenge her professors. She eventually left college with nagging doubts about her faith and wondering whether life, including her own life, might be nothing more than a cosmic accident.
Many young people share Maria’s doubts.
Indeed powerful voices in the academy tell us that science makes belief in God—and human significance—untenable. For example, as Richard Dawkins, the famed atheist from Oxford, has asserted “[t]he universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose…nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”
But are we the product of such indifference—that is, purely materialistic processes that “did not have us in mind” as another scientific atheist has put it? Does the universe have the properties we should expect if this “all there is is matter” vision of reality is correct?
Perhaps not. Three major scientific discoveries contradict the expectations of scientific atheists and point instead in a distinctly God-friendly direction.
First, the Big Bang. Discoveries in observational astronomy and developments in theoretical physics have revealed that the universe had a beginning. This is contrary to the expectations of scientific materialists, who long portrayed the universe as eternal and self-existent and, therefore, in no need of an external creator.
This evidence for a beginning has instead confirmed the expectations of theists. Nobel laureate Arno Penzias helped make a key discovery establishing a cosmic beginning. He later observed, “The best data we have are exactly what I would have predicted, had I nothing to go on but the first five books of Moses. . .and the Bible as a whole.”
And he’s not alone. Cosmological evidence has led other prominent scientists—including former MIT physicist Gerald Schroeder and the great Caltech astronomer Allan Sandage—to affirm a transcendent creator beyond space and time as the best explanation for the origin of our finite universe.
Second, fine-tuning. We live in what Australian physicist Luke Barnes calls an extremely “Fortunate Universe,” where fundamental laws and physical parameters have somehow been “fine-tuned” with just the right strengths and values to make life possible. The incredible odds against this happening by chance has led even agnostic and atheistic physicists to marvel. As British physicist Paul Davies has exclaimed, “the impression of design is overwhelming.” Atheist physicist George Greenstein expresses similar cognitive dissonance: “The thought insistently arises that some supernatural…Agency, must be involved…”
Third, the complexity of life. Molecular biology has revealed the presence in living cells of an exquisite world of informational nano-technology—digital code in DNA and RNA; tiny, intricately-constructed molecular machines, a complex, information storage, transmission and processing system that resembles, but vastly exceeds, our most advanced digital high-technology.
Not what anyone would expect to see as the result of blind materialistic processes.
Dawkins himself may have conceded as much when he recently confessed to being knocked “sideways with wonder at the miniaturized intricacy of the data-processing machinery in the living cell.”
So what should we make of all this?
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/whats-wrong-with-atheism-science-and-god
I have PROOF for god. When I was a small child, a tooth fell out. I put the tooth under my pillow. The next morning the tooth had become money! A TRUE MIRICLE. So, yes I believe in god and she's a TOOTH FAIRY.
Stephen Meyer…a mouthpiece for the lies from the Discovery Institute. But the real question is…Why is Prager U put this charlatan on? I will not be subscribing to Prager U…lie.
I thought xians go to hell for lying?
So if you don't know the answer say it is God. Would God exist without man? Did man create God? If you have faith you don't need proof, if you need proof you have no faith.
if god is as real as the stories in the bible like noah's ark, then we can all consider him not real.
That story and many other bible stories like it are completely ridiculous. dont blame professors that the bible says ridiculous things.
Bible also admonishes things that make very little ethical difference to society, like eating food with blood in it, but is cool with things that are inherently evil. eg. the first four comandments are basically about worshipping god. but they didnt have one about slavery? maybe fit "thou shal not OWN other people" somewhere between 1-4?
This video is great if you dont know much about the topic and want to feel like your belief is justified. If you know much about the topic and have some basic critical thinking skills it becomes laughable.
#1 the universe began: that's a gross over simplification of the idea. the universe began, yes, but it was not out of nothing. god isn't nothing, so therefore he must have had a beginning.
#2 to say that we live in a "fortunate universe" is a nonsense statement. there is no reason to believe that the universe could have been any other way than it is now, or will every be a different way. the universe wasn't fine tuned for us, evolution adapted to the laws of physics.
#3 it is exactly what wed expect to see if there is blind evolution. they are complex, but they fail at every step. and it wasnt just there all of a sudden. evolution happened, we can observe, test, and have records of evolution. we know almost exactly what happened.
#4 wow… just wow… i had respect for pragerU until you said that athiests are using math. you are beyond stupid and in need of severe help.
Here’s my view I don’t agree with Athiests and I do on some level agree that God or a higher power created the entire universe and supports us in clever ways I just can’t in a smart way say that this entire thing was just magically created through processes out of nowhere and were just magically here with no other intelligent life forms anywhere I also think that Atheists hopeless and pointless view of the world serves nothing and nobody and helps the world in no way at all I think God inspires many people to get out of things they otherwise wouldn’t get out of and that’s inherently better than an Athiests worldview which is just depressing and meaningless.
Which God do you have in mind? All of this could be true without a God and Christianity along with all of the other religions could still be complete bullsh*t. The only truly honest answer at this point is "we don't know." And why do theists insist on evidence for their beliefs? If you actually have evidence then you don't need faith at all. It's rather pathetic.
Oh boy, the first point was pretty trash. Big Bang is as far back as we know, and some think the matter is eternal, but it's unknown how the matter is created. Somehow he points to a creator in this grabbing popcorn popcorn for nothing. He made no point about how a god would step in, but said "some people think books of Moses match, like me" and gave another name before moving on. Pathetic drivel pretending to be scientific. This is why no one respects theistic claims.
Speaking as an atheist, the biggest problem I have with atheism is the God-fearing idiots who have taken over the religion. People who have never read the Bible, I’ve read the Bible cover to cover four times in my life and the New Testament five times. When you ask him about the Bible, they respond I don’t have to read the Bible. I am an atheist, which I kind of point out to him as to say so you bet your whole religious ideology on ignorance. I may not believe in God, but I’m not gonna tell you you’re wrong if you do. It’s one of the wonderful things about the one thing I do believe in our Constitution, which, in Article 1 of the amendments to the constitution, most commonly referred to as the first amendment, we all have the right to freedom of religion to worship our you want and let me do the same, and neither of us should try to tell the other that they must do it otherwise.
So how can you be so sure the god is Yaldabaoth instead of Amaterasu, Buddha, Qos, Enil, or Apollo?
Apologists are all such liars.
Dawkins is a Natural Selection thumper. But a good human being none of the less
Then let's use science , so how many genders are there using science and biological facts?
Atheist can't and won't use science to answer that question, reason is convenience!! Just like they say follow the science o.k. how many genders are there? 😆😅🤣
Atheism is not science, as you are , by your own bias, discounting the possibility of the existence of God with no scientific evidence. Even though Science admits we don't have the answers to origin of life. That is a belief system based on non science.
The problem with atheism is it's useless when you just want to run to something to make you feel better about having to deal with real problems in your life.
If Maria couldn't handle having her views challenged at college maybe she shouldn't have gone to college lmao
Well said, people feel so free to demonize Christains and Jews after we- you know, build the cilzilation they live in!!!
No atheist claims everything is a mistake, or accident.
We claim that the universes origins or how the Big Bang happened is a mystery.
Some religious people might say God created the Big Bang.
But then I must ask, where did God come from and how did he arrive here if it’s impossible for anything to exist without God?
Maybe you will claim that God never had a creation date, or that he’s always been here.
Okay, then what if the universe has always been here?
No matter how you put it, an all powerful God isn’t necessary.
To say that the only way the universe can exist is with God, then saying God randomly started existing or has always existed is crazy.
It is not the lack of evidence that makes an atheist an atheist, but the attitude towards the evidence available. They have not found God because they are unworthy to find him.
Shooting at God's dolls at the amusement park may seem like fun, but the true God is waiting for them at the exit.
The scientist takes a roundabout route to God to win as many medals and prizes as possible on his adventures.
Materialistic thinking cannot eliminate the thinking spirit. Then it would have to start with itself.
Materialistic science doesn't care what theory it dazzles the masses with. All that matters to it is that there is no God in it!
A society raised on Darwinism questions the meaning of its existence.
Those who defend evolution from critics with barbed wire are themselves entangled in a maze of dogma.
Belief in God is a deterrent, evolution a liberating force for the evil in human nature to unfold.
Man's greatest enemy is his own atheistic ego.
How does anyone know what the odds are of the "fine-tuned" universe happening by chance?
These American really be screaming on top of their lungs that they’re being oppressed as Christians just to release videos like this.
PragerU is not a university anymore that Trump University is a university. All 3 of his points are easily debunked.
I know how to end religion with the truth, that would end atheism. I was religious in my early years to become atheist and finally i understand that God is all eternal and infinite reality. Atheism is a logical fallacy or error of reasoning that assumes God is sky daddy or the imaginary friend with a terrible temper living in the sky that do religious miracles interfering with reality for prayers and concludes wrongly that the creator of the creation doesn’t exist because it is impossible that sky daddy exists. I need the fallacy of atheism to be understood because potentially infinite lives would be saved with my knowledge. An example of the innumerable examples of the fallacy of atheism is the statement "God has an unalterable and perfect plan for every person, but you should still pray in a vain attempt to change it." attributed to David G. Mcafee. How atheists know God has an unalterable and perfect plan? What are the evidences that the creator of the creation has an unalterable and perfect plan? Religious people have told atheists who is God and atheists have believed them to conclude wrongly the creator of the creation doesn’t exist. To not be fallacious the statement should be "The religious concept of God has an unalterable and perfect plan for every person, but you should still pray in a vain attempt to change it.". To determine if something exists or not first we must know what is that something. Atheists believe God is who he is not and don't believe God exists, and they are wrong because they believe. An analogy would be that humanity believed horses have a horn on the head and do magic and atheists didn't believe horses exist and religious people believed in unicorns. Atheists don't see horses because they are looking for unicorns and religious people believe in unicorns because horses exist because nothing can be created from nothing. The evidence that God exists is the creation and is everywhere always because God is everything that ever existed, exist and would exist. The bible is only proof that Jesus Christ doesn't exist, like the Qurʾan is only proof that Allah doesn't exist, but to conclude God doesn’t exist atheism would have to provide arguments to refute the arguments for the existence of the creator of the creation. Humanity have misunderstood the nature of God personifying a metaphysical entity with disastrous consequences. Atheism can only conclude rationally that the religious concept of God doesn’t exist. Reality is what it is and when we die what is going to happen or not happen is regardless of our beliefs. Is it possible to be wrong? Is it possible to believe it is impossible to be wrong believing? Atheists believe it is impossible to be wrong because it is impossible that sky daddy exists and religious people should be cautious considering that the bible is nonsensical to religious people and atheists alike, except for christians that defend an idea that contradicts reality with faith and without arguments. "God" is the name in english that the creator of the creation has been given. God is by definition the creator of the creation. To ask to demostrate that the creator of the creation is God is like asking to demostrate that sweet food are desserts. When atheists ask to demostrate that the creator of the creation is God or to prove God's existence what they have in their mind is the erroneous idea of God as sky daddy. Atheists believe and try others to believe that the idea of God is a dogma of faith that belongs to religion, and that's why they compare fallaciously God with mythological creatures like unicorns and fictional characters. The idea of God is universal, like mathematics, because is obtained by reason and there has never been a society without it. If human life was discovered in any number of planets in all of them they would have in their culture the idea of God and in none of them they would know cristianity, islam or any other religion that dishonest humanity have made up in their own image and likeness to control scared and hopeful believers with the threat of eternal hell and the empty promise of eternal happiness, because there is not life without death and happiness without unhappiness. Likewise they would not know what are unicorns or fictional characters like Spiderman, but they could know the number pi. The difference between a lie and a mistake is that the mistake is rectified because is not done in bad faith. God is necessary for existence and if God didn’t exist atheists would not exist because nothing would exist. Could reality exist being everything created?
I have explained the atheist fallacy infinite times and i would do it one more time. The more humanity pretend to be dumb the more deaths as a result. Future generations would understand easily the obvious truth. Atheism assumes God is sky daddy or the imaginary friend with a terrible temper living in the sky that do religious miracles interfering reality for prayers and concludes wrongly that the creator of the creation doesn’t exist. The quote "We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." by renowned atheist Richard Dawkins exemplifies the fallacy or error of reasoning. An analogy of the quote would be that a perfect painting was discovered and different religious people believed that it was made by different painters with some of their attributes made up, and that they deserve to be worshipped, and atheists didn't believe that any of those painters existed, concluding that the painting has no painter. That none of the painters made up by religious people exist doesn’t mean that the painting was not painted by a painter. An atheist is an organ asking for evidence that the body exists. The difference between a lie and a mistake is that the mistake is rectified because is not done in bad faith. Arguments are refuted with arguments in good faith to be honest. Laughing or calling 'crazy' doesn't count as argument unless it is explained what is funny or irrational. What is news if the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy is not?
Pretty funny how want to be scientists argue for “god” to explain everything they don’t understand
But how do you know God did not create the universe for malevolent purposes, or as a joke, or by accident?
Even if intelligent design could be proven, that would not prove our existence has any more purpose than if there is no intelligent designer, and even if God had some purpose in mind, it could be worse than indifference. If you want to feel better by deluding yourself that a benevolent creator exists, you need to ignore these possibilities.
How fine-tuned and complex would a god have to be in order to be able to create such a fine-tuned universe containing such complex life??
I do not believe that there could be eternality at all. It is also my hope. The origins of tears of young girl are the same which I saw coming from my mothers eyes after communion: the tears of sin of unbelief.
Good morning
The Universe isn’t finite, it’s infinite
The conclusion to the questions “is there a God or gods who created everything?” or “is everything that exists created through natural processes?” is that we simply DO NOT KNOW. There is no right or wrong answer other than the sensible conclusion of WE DO NOT KNOW. That would be called the scientific agnostic approach which is the logical approach to such a question. So be very skeptical of any one person or group that says they know with 100% certainty what the nature of our reality is. I will say this however. It does seem at this point in mankind’s search for an answer to this question as seen in the mathematical and scientific evidence is that the big bang and biological life including us was created through natural processes. The evidence is also leaning to multiple and infinite big bangs with infinite universes also known as the multiverse theory.
Bismillahhirohmannirrokim ya alloh setelah mendengarkan ayst suci al quran semuga alloh memberi rezeki uang yang berlimpah barokak amin2 yarobalalamin
What's Wrong with god and what's Wrong with you? Don't mix science and the idea of any kind of god!
I don't know what kind of schools you go to there in America. I love in Europe, and I'm born from a religious family, though from the lack of proof for the case of God, I ended up being Atheistic. At school, teachers never discussed God in a personal way, they just showed documentaries where maybe some times some folks from history would tell us about their beliefs. But never would they indoctrinate us into believing or disbelieving God. At most, they displayed a cross in every classroom, as a form of respect to the past of the building which used to be a Catholic school, even tho as of now, it is a public non theistic school.
Declare God exists, declare he does not–both are mere delarations.
right-wing propaganda outlet
You are probably experiencing censorship because you pedal misinformation and lies.
Understand God. God is the subtle most aspect of your existance. Your gross body, molecules, atoms, sub atomic particles, funda mental particles, by wave particle duality waves, gross waves are energy, subtler waves consciousness, finer most of which is Om or AUM beyond which is the unmanifest pure consciousness GOD Being unmanifest it can only be ONE
So the question: "Is there a God?" becomes redundent.
You are atheis? Why do you can live in earth? Who is create you end this earth. With your analysis and your sains can you create the only one little unt, little sand, little leave, little hair, or any thing in natural (not artifisial)…. btw YOUR THINK IS BIG WRONG!!! because you are not yet know how yours and how created you. This is our GOD is ALLAH SWT.
May Allah knowing and guiding you and your family. Aamiin
You guys realize atheism is not a belief system I literally mean you just don’t believe in a god that’s it it doesn’t say anything else about you why do you care? Does everyone have to believe what you believe
So theres a lot to unpack here:
1. You misrepresent the big ban. There isn't a scientific consensus that the big ban is the beginning of the universe. We simply don't know and perhaps we may never know. A lack of knowledge isn't proof for God's existence nor proof against it.
2. We don't know if natural constants could ever have different values and properties. You simply assume that they have been fine-tuned, but the fact that they are the way they are doesn't prove anything itself. It could be by chance but again, we don't know. We could have a multiverse, but we don't know.
3. We have some understanding of micro-biology. Just because there are complex molecular structues like DNA, RNA and proteins doesn't mean they couldn't develop naturally. Life developed for billions of years through evolution. Some properties are more useful than others, so they are naturally selected. This process is never ending and can explain the complexity of life. Once again, our lack of knowledge cannot prove anything except the fact that we humans are limited in our understanding of the universe.
One thing to add. Just because some people don't believe in any creator, it doesn't mean their life doesn't have meaning. Meaning is highly subjective and it can be created by ourselves. Atheists and agnotics aren't depressed because they don't believe that they were intentionally created.
A lack of our understanding and knowledge of the universe cannot prove or disprove God's existence. It's not even a scientific question, it's a philosophical question with no objective answer. Don't abuse science to prove something unscientific.
I am certain that any with a rational logical thinking brain can understand that the universe is fine tuned. But that begs the question how did it become fine tuned. It's not like we're talking about a few things in the universe that need to be fine tuned, ALL OF IT NEEDS TO BE FINE TUNED. Even if there were only two things that needed to be fine tuned. Still that begs the same question. Who or what fine tuned it? Could it be matter? Does matter and energy have intellect to know what needs to be fine tuned and understand what has already been fine tuned and not to add more or take away from those values otherwise the universe would no longer exist. But think about it this way. How can the product of creation be the creator. When the product can only just be that. Product. There must be something that meets all these requirements. 1 it has to be above the power of matter, space, time, and energy. 2 it has to be capable of knowing how much to add/take away. 3 also has to fine tune constant parameters that make even life today like gravity for instance. So we know it has to be all powerful with knowledge and constant ordering. At this point if YOU can't see the existence of God, perhaps a reevaluation on your mental state is in order. Or are you scared that your way of life is at risk because with God comes punishment for your sins. If I ask you today are you a good person? What will you say?. I think most people say I'm a good person. But let me hold you too the ten commandments. The ten commandments are called the moral law. Have you ever told a lie? What do you call someone who lies?, Answer, a liar. Have you ever stolen something in your life? What do you call someone who steals? A thief. Have you ever used the lord's name in vain? If you have that's a sin and breaks one of the ten commandments in fact it's so serious it was punishable by death in the old testament. Have you ever looked at someone with lust. Jesus Christ says he who looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart. So we just went over the fact you are a lying blaspheming thief and an adulterer
Atheism is not rational
"What's Wrong with Atheism?"
My atheism is because I haven't seen any evidence for any god, so there is nothing wrong with my atheism.
As for the use of the term "scientific atheist" (Scientific atheists claim the latter) it is a meaningless term.
Atheism is a non-belief that a god exists. Period.
Calling someone a scientific atheist is like calling someone a scientific left-handed person.